
April Department Board Meeting was held

25.04.2024 17:52

2023-2024 academic year spring term Recreation Department April department board meeting was held under the chairmanship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan YAVUZ EROĞLU. At the meeting, Vice Head of the Department Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Atakan AKSU, Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Gözde YETİM and Research Assistant Çağrı ARI took part in the meeting. 

In the agenda of the meeting, the ‘Internship Directive’, which is in the process of preparation, was examined. The activities to be held within the scope of ‘Sector-University Meetings’ planned to be held in April and May were discussed. In addition, opinions and suggestions about the agenda items of the meeting to be held with the 1st and 2nd year representatives of our department were discussed.